Kattintson ide a magyar verzióért.
On March 8th 2022, the Hungarian Blockchain Coalition was officially established. The professional group was set up by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology and the National Data Economy Knowledge Center. According to the founders, the growing importance of blockchain technology necessitates the cooperation of domestic players.
The founders include public sector representatives, institutions of universities and academia, professional organisations and businesses. At the inaugural meeting, Ferenc Vágujhelyi, the Chairman of the National Communications and Informatics Council, was appointed as Chairman. The members of the Board include Bálint Balogh, Director of Sustainable Finance and Supervisory Coordination of the Hungarian National Bank, István Erényi, Political Advisor of ITM, Bálint Fischer, Chief Business Development Officer of Dorsum Ltd., Kornél Kalocsai, President of the Blockchain Hungary Association, Dr. Balázs Karlócai, CEO of Idomsoft Ltd., András Pataricza, Professor at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Márton Suppan, CEO of Peak Financial Services.
The primary goal of the organisation will be to increase the role of blockchain technology in the national economy and to transfer good practices. According to the founders, the coalition can help Hungary earning a significant role in blockchain technology adaption internationally. Thus, the priority will be to support research and development as well as service development. The importance of the technology is that it can be used to create cross-border, autonomous systems. According to the founders, the development of technology is also relevant in matters of sovereignty, regulation and risk questions.