Like all IT companies, Dorsum is also struggling with the stereotype that software development is not for girls. Unfortunately, this prejudice is almost self-fulfilling, as there are plenty of capable young women for whom informatics never comes up as a career opportunity. Fortunately, progress can be felt slowly but surely: at our company, Ilona Nádoryné Viga (Securities Services Products Director) considers promoting hard-working women to positions of management one of her main goals, making their contributions seen both inside and outside the company. Our female co-workers are also at the forefront of client communications.
Our HR department invests serious resources into making Dorsum an attractive workplace for female applicants, regardless of their professional background. Family friendly, flexible working hours should be highlighted as a distinguishing factor at Dorsum. Our colleagues are always provided the opportunity to fit pediatrician visits, school celebrations, etc. seamlessly into their daily schedule. For expectant mothers working at Dorsum, we provide part-time employment and, their previous position whenever possible.
As a result of many years of concentrated effort Dorsum’s management team now has four female members with the latest being our new CEO, Mariann Mészáros, who came to us from Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions, with decades of business and HR directorial experience. We are convinced that female management members can bring professional and organizational perspectives which will be essential to advance further.
Dorsum is highlighted in Fintech Sparks’ “Women in Finance” publication, which can be read in Hungarian by clicking here.